I saw a small paragraph in the Sun Sentinel newspaper last December about the new popularity of plastic cameras. After seeing some of the photos taken by these low tech devices, I HAD to have one! I am SO TIRED OF PERFECT DIGITAL PIX! These photos were taken with a Holga 135. It's a plastic camera with a plastic lens and no flash. This style is cool because you can use ordinary 35 mm film and have it developed at any local store AND you can have your pix put on a CD.
This shot was taken early one sunny morning with a 400 speed film and I just love the dreamy quality of this view. Beautiful, soft, south Florida sky with green, green trees. The sun hitting the plastic lens makes the light scatter all over the place and I would have a hard time creating that effect in any of my photo altering programs.

This is a view of our pool and plastic chairs. Look how lush and dense the folliage presents itself as it pushes through several of the now absent screens of the pool enclosure. Surprisingly, most people in our neighborhood have fixed the hurricane damage that was left in October of 2005, but we kind of like to see Mother Nature pushing her way into previously forbidden spaces.
(And besides, I can swim quite naked without fear of nosy neighbors wondering what all the splashing is all about.)

This is a shot of the gable above the master bath. Look at the incredibly intense color of the sky! This camera is amazing! I just love the soft edges that blur parts of the photo. That vine attracts Zebra wing butterflies and I can't begin to tell you the joy I feel as I see them reeling about those big juicy leaves looking for the flowers to drink sweet nectar and lay dozens of eggs for future generations of little transformers.

Plastic. Irregular. Imperfect.
Creating softness, reflecting the mystery that is everpresent in each newly created moment of this most beautiful day.
Beautiful photos!! I found your blog looking for ideas for sewing skirts. I'm back to sewing after years of not sewing and your skirts are totally INSPIRING! You're an amazing artist!!!
I found your blog through Wyanne's class! So happy I did! I want a Holga too!!!!!!!!!! Now I have to go get one!!
Love the images you got with it. Thanks for the inspiration...again!
Thank you Marion! I hope you enjoy your return to the sewing machine and all of its' magic.
Thanks Suzycm, it IS fun to have this toy camera! Isn't learning from Wyanne amazing??? I am just beginning to get over my old fears of creating art and finding her has made that totally possible.
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