The parents' chair corner with the three big flowers and a peak of the branch from the tree of life hanging down. Where are the apples??? I'm gonna have to go back and add some apples!

Yes, yes, yes, our garbage can corner is just lovely.

Here's the PC desk with its' far reaching branches and beautiful butterfly next to the reminder to GET YOUR INFLUENZA vaccine.
The older kids just have to take some nose drops, so it's not such a medieval torture chamber, all contrary opinions noted otherwise.
So, instead of bandaids, everybody gets some kleenex.
Sheesh! If they don't come into the office with drippy noses, we do seem to make sure they leave that way.

The lion head kind of got out of hand. She was only supposed to have a gentle mane, but it grew and grew. I know it is hard to see online, but it is even outlined in gold.
I'm telling you, it's hard to plan what your hand it gonna end up doing.

Here's that butterfly up close. I like it much better than the one in Exam Room #3. This one is like a watercolor painting and she feels much more floaty.